Wednesday, August 4, 2010

For once I'm proud to be a Missourian!

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not a very political person by any means. I don't understand a lot of the crap that goes on in politics, but there are a few things that catch my attention. The healthcare sham was one of them. Although I do think something needs to be done with healthcare, I don't think that Obamacare is the right thing. There are simpler things that can be tried first, like allowing insurance companies to compete state to state. Anyways, what I really didn't agree with was requiring EVERYONE to have health insurance and penalizing them if they don't. The government claims that all of us who are merely American citizens don't know what's good for us, and we have to have the decision made for us. If we continue in that line of reasoning, then we don't know how to pick a president so someone should choose for us, we can't handle our finances so someone else should control all of our money, and any other areas of our lives that are out of control should be taken over by someone other than ourselves. This "someone" would be the government. Make sense? HELL NO! I know that there are problems in our country, I know that everyone struggles making decisions and being responsible with certain things, but does that mean our RIGHT to choose what we want should be taken away? I was appalled when Obamacare passed, I couldn't believe that this president had the balls to push something through that the majority of the people (and the majority rules) OBVIOUSLY didn't want.

So back to the "proud to be a Missourian" thing. I went to vote yesterday, and the last question on the ballot was actually asking ME, the lowly American, what I wanted to do about healthcare! Shock, awe, total disbelief! FINALLY, there was the opportunity for Americans, at least those of us in Missouri, to let the damn government know what WE wanted. The question asked:

Shall the Missouri Statutes be amended to:

  • Deny the government authority to penalize citizens for refusing to purchase private health insurance or infringe upon the right to offer or accept direct payment for lawful healthcare services?
YES, YES, YES!!! Yes, the Missouri statutes should be amended to stop the government from FORCING us to do something we don't want to do. As far as healthcare, like I said, I do think that something needs to be done. But passing legislation regardless of what the people (that the president is supposed to be serving) want done is wrong, and I'm just so happy that the people finally got to say something. And you know what's funny? Seventy percent of Missouri wanted nothing to do with the government penalizing us for not doing what they want us to do. Just wait till the rest of American gets to weigh in!!!!